Trust Registry JSON-RPC API













Method: trustRegistry_schemaMetadata


This method retrieves metadata for a trust registry schema identified by the provided schema ID, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • id: TrustRegistrySchemaId - The unique identifier of the trust registry schema for which to retrieve metadata.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the metadata at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistryId, AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistryId and the corresponding value is AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata associated with that schema.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_schemaMetadata",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "0x46da29a5412d39c98f956ab6ae289311eec782d9f426110f41945bc64fe2c96c": {
    "issuers": [
          "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
          "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
    "verifiers": [
        "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
        "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"
        "didMethodKey": {
          "ed25519": "0x5285836546cf62b9e148663f33c08c75763011eabc11cc76f6ac97ec758516c3"
  "0xdf081ea7a27d9bb1fdba8c21046fc9d30d7cfe9bd87096c5917bd08a17e245b6": {
    "issuers": [
          "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
          "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
    "verifiers": [
        "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
        "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"

Method: trustRegistry_schemaIssuers


This method retrieves information about the issuers of a trust registry schema identified by the provided schema ID, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • id: TrustRegistrySchemaId - The unique identifier of the trust registry schema for which to retrieve issuer information.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the issuer information at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistryId, AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaIssuers<T::T> } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistryId and the corresponding value is AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaIssuers associated with that schema.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_schemaIssuers",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "0x46da29a5412d39c98f956ab6ae289311eec782d9f426110f41945bc64fe2c96c": [
        "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []
        "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []
  "0xdf081ea7a27d9bb1fdba8c21046fc9d30d7cfe9bd87096c5917bd08a17e245b6": [
        "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []
        "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []

Method: trustRegistry_schemaVerifiers


This method retrieves information about the verifiers of a trust registry schema identified by the provided schema ID, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • id: TrustRegistrySchemaId - The unique identifier of the trust registry schema for which to retrieve verifier information.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the issuer information at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistryId, AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaIssuers<T::T> } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistryId and the corresponding value is TrustRegistrySchemaVerifiers associated with that schema.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_schemaVerifiers",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "0x46da29a5412d39c98f956ab6ae289311eec782d9f426110f41945bc64fe2c96c": [
      "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
      "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"
      "didMethodKey": {
        "ed25519": "0x5285836546cf62b9e148663f33c08c75763011eabc11cc76f6ac97ec758516c3"
  "0xdf081ea7a27d9bb1fdba8c21046fc9d30d7cfe9bd87096c5917bd08a17e245b6": [
      "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
      "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"

Method: trustRegistry_schemaMetadataInRegistry


This method retrieves metadata for a trust registry schema identified by the provided schema ID within a specific trust registry, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • id: TrustRegistrySchemaId - The unique identifier of the trust registry schema for which to retrieve metadata.

  • registry_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry within which to search for the schema metadata.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the metadata at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

Option<AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata> If the schema metadata is found within the specified registry, it returns AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata; otherwise, it returns null.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_schemaMetadataInRegistry",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "issuers": [
        "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []
        "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []
  "verifiers": [
      "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
      "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"

Method: trustRegistry_schemaIssuersInRegistry


This method retrieves information about the issuers of a trust registry schema identified by the provided schema ID within a specific trust registry, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • id: TrustRegistrySchemaId - The unique identifier of the trust registry schema for which to retrieve issuer information.

  • registry_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry within which to search for the schema issuers.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the issuer information at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

Option<AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaIssuers> If the schema issuers are found within the specified registry, it returns AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaIssuers; otherwise, it returns null.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_schemaIssuersInRegistry",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

      "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
      "verificationPrices": {
        "DOCK": 10000000
      "suspended": false,
      "delegated": []
      "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
      "verificationPrices": {
        "DOCK": 10000000
      "suspended": false,
      "delegated": []

Method: trustRegistry_schemaVerifiersInRegistry


This method retrieves information about the verifiers of a trust registry schema identified by the provided schema ID within a specific trust registry, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • id: TrustRegistrySchemaId - The unique identifier of the trust registry schema for which to retrieve issuer information.

  • registry_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry within which to search for the schema verifiers.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the issuer information at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

Option<TrustRegistrySchemaVerifiers> If the schema issuers are found within the specified registry, it returns TrustRegistrySchemaVerifiers; otherwise, it returns null.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_schemaVerifiersInRegistry",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

    "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
    "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"

Method: trustRegistry_allRegistrySchemaMetadata


This method retrieves metadata for all trust registry schemas within a specific trust registry, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • registry_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry for which to retrieve schema metadata.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the metadata at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistrySchemaId => AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistrySchemaId and the corresponding value is AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata associated with that schema within the specified registry.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_allRegistrySchemaMetadata",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "0x9ef236a84164f99a80e832d6e3c212908f59ed0baa069898205db3762751235c": {
    "issuers": [
          "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
          "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
    "verifiers": [
        "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
        "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"
  "0xb20491944374c9ae375663616fbe11e8d9976190e180eb0bbf6cd64592f771e5": {
    "issuers": [
          "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 20000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
    "verifiers": []

Method: trustRegistry_allRegistrySchemaIssuers


This method retrieves information about the issuers of all trust registry schemas within a specific trust registry, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • registry_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry for which to retrieve schema issuers.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the issuer information at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistrySchemaId => AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaIssuers } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistrySchemaId and the corresponding value is AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaIssuers associated with that schema within the specified registry.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_allRegistrySchemaIssuers",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "0x9ef236a84164f99a80e832d6e3c212908f59ed0baa069898205db3762751235c": [
        "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []
        "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 10000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []
  "0xb20491944374c9ae375663616fbe11e8d9976190e180eb0bbf6cd64592f771e5": [
        "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
        "verificationPrices": {
          "DOCK": 20000000
        "suspended": false,
        "delegated": []

Method: trustRegistry_allRegistrySchemaVerifiers


This method retrieves information about the verifiers of all trust registry schemas within a specific trust registry, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • registry_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry for which to retrieve schema verifiers.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the verifier information at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistrySchemaId => TrustRegistrySchemaVerifiers } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistrySchemaId and the corresponding value is TrustRegistrySchemaVerifiers associated with that schema within the specified registry.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_allRegistrySchemaVerifiers",
    "params": [
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "0x9ef236a84164f99a80e832d6e3c212908f59ed0baa069898205db3762751235c": [
      "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
      "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"
  "0xb20491944374c9ae375663616fbe11e8d9976190e180eb0bbf6cd64592f771e5": []

Method: trustRegistry_registriesInfoBy


This method retrieves information about trust registries based on specified criteria, optionally filtered by block hash.


  • by: QueryTrustRegistriesBy - Specifies the criteria by which to query trust registries.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the information at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistryId, TrustRegistryInfo } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistryId and the corresponding value is TrustRegistryInfo associated with that registry.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_registriesInfoBy",
    "params": [
        { "issuers": { "anyOf": [{ "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020" }] } }
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response

  "0x12a6a092361a6b419f92a6a9625597c7938cab98963d659f3a9fb31f2ae7b8f1": {
    "convener": {
      "did": "0x8c2afbf2338eec7112d923a318366de2395da2f57c46bf2ca0db454e72045fbb"
    "name": "Test Registry",
    "govFramework": "0x476f76206672616d65776f726b"
  "0x46da29a5412d39c98f956ab6ae289311eec782d9f426110f41945bc64fe2c96c": {
    "convener": {
      "did": "0x8c2afbf2338eec7112d923a318366de2395da2f57c46bf2ca0db454e72045fbb"
    "name": "Test Registry 2",
    "govFramework": "0x476f76206672616d65776f726b"
  "0x6559fe67a1869fd1f4c0cc3902caebd205eb2129c7c8e8ae38198aff439b1a19": {
    "convener": {
      "did": "0x8c2afbf2338eec7112d923a318366de2395da2f57c46bf2ca0db454e72045fbb"
    "name": "Test Registry",
    "govFramework": "0x476f76206672616d65776f726b"
  "0x7ee547102886dd9614bd317b6eb522c846f9227f265b15920b46dfe23b63cf29": {
    "convener": {
      "did": "0x8c2afbf2338eec7112d923a318366de2395da2f57c46bf2ca0db454e72045fbb"
    "name": "Test Registry",
    "govFramework": "0x476f76206672616d65776f726b"
  "0xbf778eca90a9976932dc53ea1af5594022c203152b31a19b52e15cc7057404bf": {
    "convener": {
      "did": "0x8c2afbf2338eec7112d923a318366de2395da2f57c46bf2ca0db454e72045fbb"
    "name": "Test Registry",
    "govFramework": "0x476f76206672616d65776f726b"
  "0xdf081ea7a27d9bb1fdba8c21046fc9d30d7cfe9bd87096c5917bd08a17e245b6": {
    "convener": {
      "did": "0x8c2afbf2338eec7112d923a318366de2395da2f57c46bf2ca0db454e72045fbb"
    "name": "Test Registry",
    "govFramework": "0x476f76206672616d65776f726b"

Method: trustRegistry_registrySchemaMetadataBy


This method retrieves metadata for trust registry schemas based on specified parameters, such as the registry ID, and optionally filtered by block hash.


  • by: QueryTrustRegistryBy - Specifies the criteria by which to query the trust registry schemas.

  • reg_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry for which to retrieve schema metadata.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the metadata at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

{ TrustRegistrySchemaId => AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata } Returns a dictionary where each key is a TrustRegistrySchemaId and the corresponding value is AggregatedTrustRegistrySchemaMetadata associated with that schema.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_registrySchemaMetadataBy",
    "params": [
        { "issuers": { "anyOf": [{ "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020" }] } },
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example request

  "0x9ef236a84164f99a80e832d6e3c212908f59ed0baa069898205db3762751235c": {
    "issuers": [
          "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
          "did": "0xa7fdcd52cfe8de3fea13bd41a7fcf37ce8f8744065965070b284b008ab128903"
          "verificationPrices": {
            "DOCK": 10000000
          "suspended": false,
          "delegated": []
    "verifiers": [
        "did": "0x00b3aee1a65251e77cb21428150b55e71dc67110098f8a6934f593536b95f0e3"
        "did": "0x654084fd61a3f7655f03bd0b208d57ce5eff159d1fac40f9a0364b9eec782c2f"

Method: trustRegistry_registriesIdsBy


This method retrieves ids of trust registries based on specified parameters, and optionally filtered by block hash.


  • by: QueryTrustRegistriesBy - Specifies the criteria by which to query the trust registry identifiers.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the metadata at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

[TrustRegistryId] Returns an array where each value is a TrustRegistrySchemaId.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_registriesIdsBy",
    "params": [
        { "issuers": { "anyOf": [{ "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020" }] } }
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response


Method: trustRegistry_registrySchemaIdsBy


This method retrieves ids for trust registry schemas based on specified parameters, such as the registry ID, and optionally filtered by block hash.


  • by: QueryTrustRegistryBy - Specifies the criteria by which to query the trust registry schemas.

  • reg_id: TrustRegistryId - The unique identifier of the trust registry for which to retrieve schema metadata.

  • at: Option<BlockHash> - Optional block hash to query the metadata at a specific point in the blockchain.

Return Type

[TrustRegistrySchemaId] Returns an array where each value is a TrustRegistrySchemaId.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "trustRegistry_registrySchemaIdsBy",
    "params": [
        { "issuers": { "anyOf": [{ "did": "0x054a1d26f736c727c4a5dfcaa89193fa169cecae7f1daeb9f80103598d280020" }] } },
    "id": 1
}' http://localhost:9933

Example response


Last updated