Dock Postman Collection

Download and use our Postman Collection to experiment with basic API flows:

  • Download Postman here.

  • Download our API collection here.

  • Import Dock Collection in Postman with our API collection that you have downloaded previously. For the detailed instructions to import the json file, please refer here.

  • Create a new environment in Postman. For the detailed instruction to create a new environment, please refer here.

  • In your new Postman environment, you need to create two new ApiKey and BaseUrl variables. Please refer here for the instructions to set the new variables.

  • Login to Dock Certs.

  • Enable the Test mode in your Dock Certs dashboard to use the sandbox environment.

  • In your Dock Certs dashboard, click Create API key on the keys page to generate the key, copy and save it.

  • Set ApiKey initial and current values with the value that you generated in Dock Certs.

  • Set BaseUrl initial and current values with

Simple E2E Create Credentials/Presentation Flow

This flow refers to Postman, but the general steps are the same however you use the API. The Postman collection includes the scripts that automatically propagate results into the next request bodies when you follow the below steps. To issue a credential and or a presentation on the holder's behalf, the following steps are required:

1. Create a DID

To create a new DID to issue with, go to Create DID and click Send. The id property denotes a job ID in the system that you can use to query for blockchain transaction status.

The Dock API supports did:dock, did:polygonid and did:key method creation.

DID CREATED - 200 Response
    "id": "823",
    "data": {
        "did": "did:dock:5FDFd1Woa3cG1m18PLgPpYgGfwE5S1RqXyHeEYC86vUxzzkg",
        "hexDid": "0x8b3997a95f86c80e5eb8a4ab67dbb164d5cc19ea24c072a85a3eb0d552fa837f",
        "controller": "did:dock:5FDFd1Woa3cG1m18PLgPpYgGfwE5S1RqXyHeEYC86vUxzzkg"

Creating a Dock DID submits a transaction to the blockchain, this could take some time to process. Please hit the `/jobs` endpoint to check the status of the job to see if it's finalized or not.

When creating a Polygon ID DID, be sure to set the `keyType` field to `bjj`.

2. Verify the New DID

To verify if the new DID has been registered, go to Verify DID Registered and click Send.

DID VERIFIED - 200 Response
    "@context": "",
    "id": "did:dock:5FDFd1Woa3cG1m18PLgPpYgGfwE5S1RqXyHeEYC86vUxzzkg",
    "authentication": [
    "assertionMethod": [
    "publicKey": [ ... ]

You only need to create a DID once and then you can issue many credentials with it. A subject/holder DID should not be the same as the issuer DID in a real world credential.

3. Create a Signed Credential

To create a Verifiable Credential using the the new issuer DID, go to Create Signed Credential and click Send. This will send some example credential data to the API and sign it with your DID keypair. It will return a Verifiable Credential that conforms to the W3C spec.

    "@context": [
    "id": "",
    "type": [
    "credentialSubject": {
        "id": "did:dock:5FDFd1Woa3cG1m18PLgPpYgGfwE5S1RqXyHeEYC86vUxzzkg"
    "issuanceDate": "2021-11-12T14:43:46.504Z",
    "proof": { ... },
    "issuer": { ... }

4. Verify the Signed Credential

To verify if the credential's cryptographic proof, revocation status and more go to Verify Signed Credential and click Send.

    "verified": true,
    "results": [ ... ]

5. Create a Presentation

To create a Verifiable Presentation by using the credential, go to Create Presentation and click Send.

    "@context": [
    "verifiableCredential": [
            "@context": [
            "id": "",
            "type": [
            "credentialSubject": {
                "id": "did:dock:5FDFd1Woa3cG1m18PLgPpYgGfwE5S1RqXyHeEYC86vUxzzkg"
            "issuanceDate": "2021-11-12T14:43:46.504Z",
            "proof": { ... },
            "issuer": { ... }
    "id": "",
    "type": [
    "proof": { ... }

6. Verify the Presentation

The same credential verification route can be used to verify a presentation. In Postman, go to Verify Presentation and click Send.

    "verified": true,
    "results": []

These steps involve using the API to create presentations on behalf of your holders. Ideally, you should not do this and distribute the credential to your users and have their own wallet apps create the presentations for a verifier.

Last updated