OpenID Issuance and Verification Integration Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions for implementing OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OID4VCI) and OpenID for Verifiable Presentation (OID4VP) using a series of API endpoints. It outlines the steps required to set up an issuer, create credential offers, manage the issuance flow, create presentations and verify the issued credentials.


Before starting, ensure you have:

  • Issuer DID (did:dock:issuer): The did for the credential issuer.

  • Verifier DID (did:dock:verifier): The did for the credential verifier.

  • Holder DID (did:key:holder): The DID for the credential holder.

Download and use our Postman Collections to experiment with OpenID standards based credentials.

Set Up an OID4VCI Issuer

Create an OID4VCI issuer with the necessary configurations, including claim mappings, credential options, and authentication provider settings.

POST /openid/issuers

This endpoint creates an OID4VCI issuer. "authProvider" and "claimMap" are supplied as part of the Authorization Code Flow. It can be omitted for the Pre-Authorized Code Flow.


    "claimMap": {
      "name": "name"
    "credentialOptions": {
      "credential": {
        "type": ["UniversityDegreeCredential"],
        "context": [""],
        "subject": {
          "alumniOf": "Dock University",
          "degree": "Credential Science"
          // name will be added by claims flow
        "expirationDate": "2099-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "issuer": "did:dock:issuer"
    "authProvider": {
      "url": "",
      "scope": ["openid"],
      "clientId": "eyAic2NoZW1hIjogImh0dHBzOi8vZG9ja25ldHdvcmsuZ2l0aHViLmlvL3ZjLXNjaGVtYXMvYmFzaWMtY3JlZGVudGlhbC5qc29uIiwgImNsYWltcyI6IFsibmFtZSJdIH0=",
      "clientSecret": "gpO2IVK+OALL8W+DcFlIfFhJtNA="
    "singleUse": false

Check the OpenID Issuer Configuration

GET /openid/issuers/{issuerId}/.well-known/openid-configuration

This endpoint retrieves the OpenID configuration for the specified issuer.


  "issuer": "{issuerId}",
  "credential_formats_supported": ["ldp_vc", "jwt"],
  "credential_claims_supported": ["name"],
  "response_types_supported": ["code"],
  "grant_types_supported": ["authorization_code"]

Create Credential Offers

Generate credential offers to initiate the issuance process. Credential offers can be shared with the holder to claim the credential.

POST /openid/credential-offers

This endpoint creates a credential offer linked to the OpenID issuer.


    "id": "{issuerId}"

Retrieve and Store Credentials

Using the Dock Wallet or any OID4VCI Wallet, scan the QR code received and follow the process to receive the credential.

Verify Credentials

Create a new Proof Request

This step involves creating a proof request that specifies the requirements for the verifiable presentation. The proof request defines what credentials and claims are expected from the holder.

POST /proof-requests

This endpoint creates a new proof request that the verifier can use to request credentials from the holder.


      "did": "did:dock:5HCXuyBhXRiZxSmyLG2j6NhoeqL4dYHV9EGwLE2FKJVUmXL4",
	  "name": "OID4VP Proof request 2",
	  "request": {
		"name": "OID4VP test proof request",
		"purpose": "To present a test credential using OID4VPI",
		"input_descriptors": [
			"id": "Dock Credential",
			"name": "OID4VP test proof request",
			"purpose": "To present a test credential using OID4VP",
			"constraints": {
			  "fields": [
				  "path": [
				  "path": [
				  "filter": {
					"type": "array",
					"contains": {
					  "const": "UniversityDegreeCredential"

Get the request url for the OID4VP

This step generates a request URL that can be shared with the holder. The holder can use this URL to present the requested credentials through their wallet.

POST /openid/vp/{proofRequestId}/request-url

This endpoint generates a request URL based on the proof request ID. The withRequestURI parameter determines whether the URL includes the request_uri.


      "withRequestURI": true

Verify Presentation

Using the Dock Wallet or any OID4VP Wallet, scan the QR code received and follow the process to verify the credential.

Check proof request status

This step involves checking the status of a specific proof request to see if it has been fulfilled, and to retrieve any relevant information associated with the request.

GET /proof-requests/{proofRequestId}

This endpoint retrieves the status and details of the specified proof request, including whether the requested credentials have been presented and verified


    "id": "{proofRequestId}",
    "name": "OID4VP Proof request",
    "nonce": "...",
    "did": "did:dock:verifier",
    "verified": true,
    "created": "...",
    "updated": "...",
    "signature": "...",
    "presentation": {
	    "holder": "did:dock:holder"
    "response_url": "...",
    "type": "proof-request",
    "qr": "...",
    "request": {...},
    "types": ["jsonld"]

Last updated